
IEEE ICMA 2024 Conference

Plenary Talk 2

New relationship between human and machine - machine with a heart

Shuji Hashimoto, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Waseda University, Japan



Robots that play an active role in the human living environment are said to be preferably humanoid type. Above all, in order to move around in a human living environment optimized for humans, it is most important to have the same physical functions as humans, and it is also important not to require prior special knowledge from humans who work together with robots. It would be convenient if we could communicate with the robot as a partner, ask for work, and grasp the state of the robot as if we were communicating with humans. Initially, humanoid research had a strong aspect of a way to know human, but recently, the realization of humanoids as practical robots is no longer a dream. The next may be a machine with a heart. I would like to talk about a machine with a heart and a recent AI, what is promising and what is not.

Shuji Hashimoto received the B.S., M.S. and Dr.Eng. degrees in Applied Physics from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1970, 1973 and 1977, respectively.

He was an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics, Toho University from 1979. In 1991 he moved to Waseda University as a Professor of the Department of Applied Physics. In Waseda University he served as the Director of the Humanoid Robotics Institute for ten years from 2000. During 2006-2010 he was the Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering. He served as the Senior Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost of the University from 2010 to 2018. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, "KANSEI" Information Processing, Sound and Image Processing and Meta-Algorithm. Currently he is Professor Emeritus at Waseda University. He is also one of the Leaders in the Gundam Global Challenge and a Director of XELA Robotics Co. Ltd. He was appointed the Vice President of Egypt Japan University of Science and Technology (E-Just) in 2023.

The Robotics Society of Japan Kagawa University Kagawa University The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Japan Society for Precision Engineering The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System (HIT) State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System (HIT) University of Electro-Communications University of Electronic Science and Technology of China JiLin University Tianjin University of Technology